Rates (including GST):
$50.00 half day
$70.00 full day
Equipment Description
Our 12CFM Electric Air Compressor is a quiet running compressor fitted with good size wheels and a very stable stand makes it easy to shift around and helps prevent it rolling over. The piston pump is constructed of a finely machined cast bore for longer wear and has a cast aluminum head which dissipates the heat easier and faster than other metals. It is also fitted with a pressure gauge on the tank and a regulator. ToolShed 3hp x 50 L Direct Drive Compressor.
- Motor size 3hp
- Cylinders 2
- RPM 2800
- Tank size 50L
- Pump displacement 12.5CFM, 355L/Min
- Free Air Delivery at 90PSI – 8.76CFM, 248L/Min
- Voltage 230 single phase
- Dimensions over handles 790mm H x 980mm L x 440mm W
- Net Weight 64kg